Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sideways Reflections and Hopes for Tomorrow

I'm back! After taking a break from blogging, I wanted to end the year with a glance back at this whirlwind of a year that has filled our lives with both overwhelming joy and heartbreaking sorrow...all the while, looking forward to where I see both myself and this blog going in this new year.  

One year ago today, I started my morning with some of the craziest people I know! I began Crossfit after going to an open house for the box and feeling like maybe this was something I could be into.  In the course of those 8 months, I found strength I never knew I had and made friends with some people whose paths I may never have crossed otherwise.  
But what about the rest of that year ago, today.  Well, it just happens to be the day I married my best friend and the love of my life.  With the help of our families, friends, and wonderful people who quickly became friends...we had the most amazing day! 
 Our awesome wedding party

 Keith's mom and dad

My family...yep, that is totally us.

One of my favorite parts of our ceremony was the Prayer Circle. We asked our parents, along with couples whom we consider to be mentors or role models in their married lives, to encircle us and lay hands on us as John Dale offered a prayer for our marriage.  It was one of the most special moments of our day, and a picture that I will always treasure.

This last picture I want to share of that day pretty much sums us up completely.  

We began our married life with a gorgeous honeymoon in Cancun.  It was a week of much needed downtime with my honey and we are already planning our next trip!

The remainder of this year has taken us in so many directions.  Within the first two months of living in Memphis, I had two wrecks...very minor and neither were my fault, but both stressful in their own right.  I was able to be a bridesmaid in a wedding for a sweet Albanian sister friend that I met a couple of years back while serving on a mission trip.  When she asked the four of us girls who had just come back from the trip to join she and her husband in Chattanooga to be bridesmaids, we said absolutely! This was my 26th wedding. I'm not kidding. My 25th was my own, but other than that I have been a bridesmaid, honorary bridesmaid, maid of honor in 25 other weddings.  I was honored to be a part of Matthew and Francesca's wedding.

May was a month of peaks and valleys for us.  I found out I was pregnant, about eight weeks along.  We were elated! But I just knew that something was off.  And when I miscarried a week later, it nearly broke my heart right out of my body.  It is an indescribable pain and leaves you with a deep void and tons of questions that you may never get answers to.  And as well meaning as people are, more often than not, most words still hurt your heart.  I will always remember this pregnancy...always feel a void.  But we have faith that God has a plan for us to have children, and we are praying fervently for Him to bless us and show us His will.  

The rest of this year has been pretty amazing.  I have witnessed the wedding of another sweet friend...I have cheered and jumped up and down upon finding out that friends are expecting babies...I have changed my hair...and then changed it again...we took a family vacation to Florida over the summer and had a wonderfully relaxing time. In June, my position as a Wedding Consultant with David's Bridal ended and teaching jobs were scarce and impossible to obtain with the redistricting that had just taken I began babysitting sweet Isabel, At first, I worried that it would be difficult after losing a pregnancy...but it has turned out to be a great blessing.  Keith and I both celebrated birthdays this summer, his in July (the BIG 4-0!) and mine in August.  This fall we made good use of the trails near our home and hit the road any time the weather permitted.  In November we celebrated our first married Thanksgiving and were so blessed that his parents were able to join us in Memphis to celebrate.  December ushered in my favorite season and we celebrated the season every day and in every way possible! Tree lightings, Christmas plays, caroling, hot name it, we tried to fit it in! 
 Sweet Isabel

Jamie and I~Florida~Summer 2014

One of my finest achievements of 2014 was the complete mastering of the selfie.  No joke. If you don't want to see a picture of my worst hair day, best hair day, cutest outfit, best lip gloss, most hideocious might consider unfriending me on Facebook and no longer following me on Instagram.  It's my party and I'll post pics if I want to! I mean, I worked on it pretty hard...and have gotten quite good at it.  I even managed to get my lovely husband in on the action! 

But in all seriousness, it has been a truly amazing year.  I have grown closer to some friends and I have lost touch with others.  I have been on the mountain top celebrating with God, and in the valley shaking my head and crying out with despair. But through it all, we have striven to make Christ the center of our marriage. Some days we fall short. But we are committed to growing closer to Him and to one another this year.  We are still looking for a church home. I won't lie, that has been one of the most difficult things about living in Memphis.  I am a "girlfriends" girl. I love my friends and it does my heart good to see them and be social.  So, it is painful to my heart that after a year, I am still searching for that sisterness in Memphis.  I thought that we'd found a church home, but that has been more difficult than I anticipated, and becoming part of a group as an adult can be far more intimidating than as a child.  It is a very true and real fact that cliques still exist in the Church...and we need to be doing all that we can to tear those walls down so that all feel welcome.

I have lived...WITH A BOY (!!!!!!!!!) for a solid year.  And, you know what? It's kind of amazing.  People told us that the first year would be one of the hardest.  And while we have had our share of hard times, I can truly say, that if this is one of our hardest years, I am pretty excited to see what the future holds.  I know that God has great things in store for my love and I.  So for now, I am content (okay, well closer to content than I used to be) with our life in Memphis.  It may not be my ideal location, but if my Lord wants me here, then I will find the work He has set apart for me to do and I will do it to the best of my ability.  

Looking Forward:
I am not, nor have I ever been, one to make resolutions.  I feel that they set me up for failure. I inevitably fall short and instead of rolling with it, I use it as an excuse to give up.  However, I have chosen to focus on four things in 2015; mind, body, soul, and spirit.  Every month I will be blogging about what I have done to benefit those four components of my life.  I will resume my Foodie Fridays blog, but have decided to do it on the third Friday of each month, rather than every Friday.  And every other month I will be blogging about my favorite things.  It could be anything from fashion to furniture to faith! So, I hope that you will come along with me, and share in all of the great things that 2015 has to offer.  But for now, I am signing off so that I can ring in the New Year and celebrate 1 year of wedded bliss with the one my soul loves.  

Happy New Year, friends!!!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Foodie Friday: An Easy Chicken Recipe

Truth be told, I am not a fan of whole chickens. Well, I mean, baby chickens are cute...and if they aren't whole I've seen what they do to them in the chicken barns. (It includes a yard stick with a nail through it and  a large bucket...I'll let you make that connection.) But I digress. In cooking, I am not a fan of the whole chicken.  I know that it is cheaper, that it can add flavor because there is more fat, and it can feed more people.  However, unless it's Beer Butt Chicken, I just can't handle the whole bird.  I think it's the bones that do it in for me.

So, instead, I look for sales on chicken breasts.  When we find them on sale or Keith's store has them on clearance, we will stock up.  We actually have a secondary freezer for such occasions.  It is a great buy for those deals on meat that you just can't pass up, but would otherwise not have room for in your actual freezer.  We won't discuss the number of whole turkeys that are currently residing in there because the deal after Thanksgiving was just "too good to pass up" as per my husband.

The one downside to cooking chicken breasts is that you don't want to under cook them, but a second too long in the oven or on the grill, and they become dryer than the Christmas turkey in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation...for realz.  But the alternative is a baked chicken that has the texture of boiled chicken, and that is just not tasty AT ALL!

The quick fix for keeping your chicken breasts moist and tender is to use mayonnaise as a basting substance.  Have you looked at the nutritional value of mayonnaise lately? Not cool for those who are trying to cook healthy and well balanced meals.  My answer to keep the moisture locked in, yet not give up all the empty calories that come with mayo is simple.  Greek yogurt.  I used Fage plain Greek yogurt in the recipe below and it turned out amazing! So tasty with a really great "crust" on top and there wasn't a lot of seasoning on the veggies other than salt, pepper, and EVOO.  (A side note: No, those are not moth balls in our roast chicken...I'll get to that in a minute.)

As many chicken breasts as it will take to feed your family. If more than three or four, you may need to do less veggies or two separate casserole dishes.
An assortment of vegetables. I felt that simple was better and that by using everyday veggies, it gave the dish more of a "comfort food" feel. I used potatoes, baby carrots, and pearl onions (not moth balls!).

I mixed a small container of Greek yogurt with fresh garlic, turmeric, salt, pepper, and grated Parmesan cheese.  It created a paste of sorts that I dipped each chicken breast in, top and bottom, making sure it was well coated on the bottom before laying it in the baking dish.  Any extra of the mix, I spooned on top.  I cut up several potatoes into a bowl in large chunks, no uniform cuts for me.  I like the rustic feel.  I then added baby carrots and pearl onions.   To the bowl I added EVOO, salt, and pepper.  I then piled the veggies around the chicken. I had preheated the oven to 425 and I allowed the dish to bake for about 25 minutes or until the chicken breast is cooked through and then veggies are tender, but not mushy.

I added a small salad and wheat rolls from the bakery that I had picked up earlier in the week. I just popped the rolls into the oven for about five minutes while the roast chicken was cooling a bit. We added a little real butter to the rolls...not as healthy, but better than margarine. If you are using butter substitute, stop right now!! A little real butter is better than moderate fake butter any day! Anyway, it was a major success! Delicious and devoured! And I heart this CorningWare dish! One of my favorite wedding gifts by far.

You'll find that there are always tricks to try in order to make some of your favorite dishes a little more healthy! Plain Greek yogurt is a great substitute when a recipe calls for mayo or sour cream.  The probiotics alone are a reason to get on the Greek Yogurt bandwagon! Just try it...and don't tell your spouse or your kids what you've used...and I guarantee they'll love it! As a precaution, plain Greek yogurt has a strong sourness to it.  Adding spices cuts down on the sourness.  Be bold and experiment with new tastes! I have also tried this with turmeric and Sriracha.  It's a great way to add some heat! Can't wait to hear your results!
Happy Dining!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Foodie Friday

I am super excited to add a new fun aspect to my blog! I love to cook, love to share recipes, love to find new and interesting things to make or create, and I love to know what my friends are cooking in their kitchens.  Foodie Friday is my way of sharing with you, my friends, things that are going on in my kitchen.  I promise to include hits, misses, and any hilarity that results from both!

For my first Foodie Friday I am giving you a "twofer"...or two for one!  I can admit, I am a social media addict...I mean, come on, I am writing a blog and hoping that I have actual readers who will enjoy it...I have an active Facebook page, my Instagram is totally cute, and I have several Pintrest boards, although I have been less active on Pintrest since I got married and now have no use for my zillion pins for wedding ideas. Maybe one day I'll have a baby and can resume frantically pinning the cutest nursery ideas EVER!! But I digress.

My first Foodie Friday delight was actually brought to my attention on Pintrest. After my last trip to the local Germantown Farmer's Market, I had most of the ingredients, so I decided to do the unthinkable, and actually make something I had pinned.  My creation: Avocado Salad with homemade croutons.

I know, right? I promise, it was just as yummy as it looks! I started with fresh tomatoes from the farmers market, giving them a rough chop.  I think I used two whole tomatoes. The recipe calls for cherry tomatoes cut in half, but since I had these local beauties, I used them instead.  (A side note, using a full grown tomato does make the salad a bit more juicy...but I didn't mind that.) I bought sweet corn at the Farmer's Market as well. The recipe calls for you to grill the corn...but:
A) We live in an apartment and aren't supposed to have grills.
B) We totally break that rule and have a charcoal grill which I did not feel like lighting and using.
So, I just boiled the corn, cut it from the cob, and then threw it in my cast iron skillet with a little EVOO to char it a bit. I had a fresh avocado, which I diced.  The dressing is the juice of one lime, a clove of garlic - minced, EVOO, salt and pepper.  Whisk that to death and then pour it over the salad mixture.  At the end, you add as much cilantro as you like. For me...that's like, a ton...because I love it so much.  For the croutons I used a baguette that I purchased at the Farmer's Market. I knew that it would not stay soft for more than a day or so, so when it go a little crisp, I cut it into rough slices, coated them with EVOO and some herbs, and baked them for 5 minutes at 400 degrees.  Enjoy! It's a great summer snack!

My second Foodie Friday treat was a happy experiment.  I had several peaches left from my purchase at the Farmer's Market and I knew we were going to be out of town for the weekend and if I didn't use them, they'd spoil.  I had also bought a pint of fresh blueberries at Kroger because they were on sale and because my husband said he loved them.  However, after several days, he hadn't eaten one of them. Therefore, they were fair game! I thought, "Why not make a tartlett?"  Because who doesn't love deserts in mini?! 

I started by slicing the peaches into thick slices, then added the blueberries, some granulated sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, and some hot water in order to make a spicy compote.
The bonus of adding blueberries is that the compote takes on this gorgeous magenta-y purple color!

I then took a pie crust, making sure that the top and bottom was well flowered when I rolled it out, and cut it into four pieces. I then rolled the edges up creating a small crust line and filled them with the compote.
I mean, that's totally cute, right?

I made four tartletts and baked them at 425 for as long as it took for the crust to brown nicely. 

The finished product! 
I topped the warm tartlett with two small scoops of vanilla bean ice cream.
It was like heaven. 
I am a dessert goddess.
Hmmm...that's probably why I can never quite manage the Paleo lifestyle. And am still chubby. But I have a cute face and a sparkling personality.
But that's a blog for another day.

So, there you have it! My first of many, I hope, Foodie Fridays!!! If you have a love for cooking and great recipes to share, let me know! If there's anything I love more than cooking, it's cooking for and with friends! 

Until next time...
Happy Eating! <3

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Shopping Local

It's been two months since my last blog.  Two months (10 weeks, actually) since I suffered the miscarriage.  I wasn't sure I was going to blog anymore.  To be honest, there were days when I wasn't sure I was going to get out of bed...or take a shower...or ever speak to God again.  But I did. And I am all the better for it. There will always be a sadness associated with that time in my life, but God has been so good to me.  He has allowed me to laugh, and love, and hold babies without feeling jealous or sorry for myself.  He has seen me through and continues to do so daily. 

But that's not really what I want to talk about today.

So, I am no longer selling wedding day bliss to the masses at David's Bridal....thanks be to God for that one! I really enjoyed my time at the Paducah DB...the Memphis one, on the other hand, was a complete disaster. However, with the upheaval of the school systems here and all of them breaking off to form their own districts, I have yet to hear back from anywhere I have applied.  To pass the time, I am nannying. It is something that got me through college, and in a larger city, can give you a weekly income that is undeniably beneficial. And having nights and weekends off has allowed me to get out and explore a little more!

After all, I am still trying to fall in love with Memphis.  Days like today make it a little easier. After work today, I decided to check out the local Farmers Market.  It happens every Thursday from 4-7:30 and there are tons of local merchants and farmers who bring their products.  There are also food trucks and live music! A definite added bonus! Local butchers have brought in fresh cuts of grass fed beef, pork, lamb, and chicken.  Local orchards have come with loads of fresh juicy peaches. Local farmers have set up shop with some of the most beautiful produce I've seen in a while.  Local honey is very popular with the Market is the fresh baked breads and preserves.  I took a stroll to just purvey the entire market.  I noticed how the sellers and buyers interacted with one another.  I also loved the unique blend of people perusing the market.  From grandparents to new parents, twenty-something hipsters to park seems like the Farmers Market is the place to be on a Thursday afternoon. 

I met a lady there who gave me some insight into the actual garden on the grounds. It is a community garden where anyone is invited to become a part! The sign ups are in January and you commit to volunteer two hours a week, then everyone shares in the produce from the garden.  I love, love, LOVE this concept.  Especially since we are currently apartment dwellers and have no way to garden even if we wanted.  Not to mention, what a great way to get involved in the community and meet new people! If we are still here in January, I am definitely getting involved!

So, below is a picture of my haul from today. Cucumbers, tomatoes, peaches, corn, and fresh baked baguette and sourdough bread.  This foodie has some great ideas...and it felt great to support local growers. Coming from a small town where gardening is practically a given for most, it is refreshing to see that it is still available in a big city, without the Whole Foods price tag. 
Happy Eating!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

I'm That Girl...

Did you see me?
Sitting in my car on Tuesday. Listening to KLove with tears streaming down my face.
Did you notice me?
Walking slowly through Target, holding my breath and wincing with each step.
Did you understand?
That while helping you choose a gown for the happiest day of your life that I was undergoing the absolute saddest day of mine.
I'm that girl...

I had a miscarriage.  I was at work and I lost one of the most precious things I had ever been given.  I was pregnant. Almost eleven weeks along.  To be honest, I didn't actually believe it when I initially found out.  I was still experiencing a light, but average cycle, so I just assumed I wasn't and that the symptoms I was feeling were all in my head.  But two home pregnancy tests and confirmation from my doctor a week ago, put me at about eleven weeks based on my hormone levels.  He explained that it is common in about 30% of pregnancies to experience a cycle for the first trimester, sometimes longer.  I don't have a doctor here in Memphis. However, during prom season I had held a dress for a young lady a day longer than we normally hold items and her mother had given me a card for her husband's practice which was close to my work.  What a blessing she and her husband have been to me. They set me up with an OBGYN, for which I have an appointment tomorrow. He did his best to reassure me that everything looked good. And so I was cautiously optimistic.
And then the next day, it was over. As quickly as I had been given the greatest news, I began having cramping and heavier bleeding.  I believed that I had miscarried on Tuesday morning. I called the OB office and a nurse told me that she believed I had, based on what I told her, had a miscarriage as well, and that I should keep my appointment for Monday so I could establish a relationship with them and so that they could check me out properly.  She said there was no need to seek medical attention unless the bleeding worsened.  So, I cried. And then I went to work.  And I cried in a dressing room, and in the break room, and managed to get it together long enough to leave a little early and see a few clients.  I spent Wednesday in bed. I was angry at God, I am still angry.  I yelled at him, I cried to him, I prayed to him, and I yelled some more.  On Thursday I was better.  The grief came in waves, but I was managing it with the help of my most wonderful husband. He was and has been my rock in all of this.  As have been my parents and some of my closest sisters.  Friday we decided we needed to get out so we went to dinner and a movie.  We laughed...a lot. I cried a little.  As I said, I am one blessed girl.
On Friday evening, the cramping got a little worse, but I just figured it was my body's way of cleaning itself out and that it would pass.  By Saturday morning I felt better and I went in to work.  I started cramping at work to the point where it would wash over me in waves. And then it happened.  The actual miscarriage. I watched as I passed the small amniotic sac, and my heart broke all over again. And to make matters worse, I was at work.  I managed to get to my phone to let my husband know that I was probably going to need to go to the ER after work.  But then the true bleeding started, and it wouldn't stop. I left without more than a brief word as my husband rushed me to the ER.
I called my parents on the way and my mom immediately left to be with me. I don't remember a lot about my time at the ER except that I was in so much pain that I couldn't stop shaking.  I had to wait for the ultrasound before they would give me anything for the pain. I waited two hours....squeezing my husbands hand until I was sure I was going to break his fingers. And it wasn't just the physical pain, but the emotional pain all over again that sent me reeling. And please don't comfort me by letting me know that now I will know what to expect with labor pain...knowing your excruciating pain will, in the end, produce a child is completely different than knowing that your excruciating pain is the end of life within you.  The staff at the ER were incredible. I was checked out thoroughly...insured that there was nothing wrong, that this just happens...that there was nothing I could have done to prevent it.

And I heard every word, as I have heard all week.  Here are the things I know: I know that I should look at the positive...I got pregnant.  I know that I didn't do anything to cause this to happen.  I know that God still loves me, and mourns with me and for me.  I know that I have amazing family and friends.

But it doesn't make it easier.  The simple fact, is that I prayed to God to save this pregnancy. I have prayed with my husband every night for a family of our own.  And I grieve for a loss that 75% of the world doesn't consider a loss at all.  With young women posting videos of themselves going through abortions because it is "their body, their choice," I feel sick that someone who aborted their child because they weren't responsible enough to prevent pregnancy in a random hook up is proud of their "right" and their "choice" while women who want nothing more than to be mothers are struggling to be just that. And every pregnancy that follows this one will send me into a small panic because of this experience.  I pray that I never repeat it, but ultimately God is in control of my story.

So I am listening to KLove. I am sitting in my car, with tears streaming down my face...shaking my fists at the sky and shouting at my heavenly father. Because as my good friend Violet pointed out, God is okay with me shouting and being angry...because it means that I am still speaking to Him. Still sharing my life with Him. Heartbroken by his not stepping in to work a miracle in my story. But I keep talking to Him. And when I can't talk to Him, my momma, who has been here since last evening, has spoken to him on my behalf. And my husband prays for our family to grow and be blessed.  And for our faith to not waiver. And my daddy and my brother and my sweet sweet friends have called and sent texts and loved on us from afar.  I am so blessed to know such love, which is the reason that I want to share that love with children of my own.  Because the alternative to having faith that it will happen is believing that I am nothing more than a giant pawn in a chess game created by life...and that simply won't do.

God hears our brokenness. His heart breaks with ours.  My prayer is that I will be a mommy one day.  And I have faith that He will bless us with children.  In His time as a part of His plan.  But for now my prayer is that he heals my body naturally.  That my follow up goes well tomorrow and that my body is doing it's job.

Maybe I shared too much. Maybe not.  Every person's experience is different, but I am a talker, and I need to share my story to help me make sense of it all. For all of you who have traveled this road with me, a thousand thank yous. I feel your constant prayers and I still covet them.  I am thankful for my sweet mom who put Mother's Day on hold to cater to me today.  Who is staying an extra day to take me to the doctor since my love cannot.  She is a true example of selfless love and I wouldn't last a day without her. 

This song has been getting me through this week...listen.
Light and love to all of my sisters who have experienced the devastating loss of a pregnancy. 
God is greater than our greatest sorrows.
God is the redeemer of our greatest dreams and the dreams we don't dare to dream.
God is love.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Our First Easter: A look into our season of Lent...

At 18 years old...a much younger version of my currently fabulous self...I had no idea what Lent truly was.  What does Lent mean? Why don't we, as Christians, actively participate in it?

These questions are ones that I have answered for myself over the course of several years, and the simple fact answers may not be the same as yours.  From what I know (with no research), Lent is a time period traditionally celebrated within the Catholic faith.  It is a time where Christians are called to give up something in their lives that they rely upon, or are hooked on, in order to focus on their relationship with Christ.  As far as why we don't celebrate it within all churches? I have no idea.  The concept of personal sacrifice is always a touchy one.  Some people are firm believers and practice seasons of fasting, in whatever form that may be, throughout the year.  Fasting is a deeply personal and spiritual thing. It can be refraining from sweets, from social media, from specific language, from television, from anything that you find occupying more of your time than your Christianity and relationship with God.  Lent can't include refraining from something that isn't difficult to withhold from...for example, one year I tried to give up exercising....but my sweet friend Jody wouldn't let me. :)  All kidding aside, I think a lot of churches shy away from it because we don't feel that we have the right to force someone into a season of self sacrifice...and we don't. But we have the power to change the way people look at seasons of fasting through our own actions and through having open and honest conversations about our experiences.

So here's mine:

Keith and I began talking about Lent in January.  We discussed how we thought it would be a great thing for us to give something up together and then to find a way to focus our time on God together as well.  We decided to give up sweets and caffeinated drinks...not that we drink a lot of soda...but there is definitely a presence of Diet Coke on standby in our fridge. And let's face it...most of us could benefit from a higher intake of water.  In addition, I decided to give up Facebook.  I found myself constantly checking it...if I wasn't posting, I was looking, constantly. It became a habit...and habits are hard to break.  So, I decided to go cold turkey. 40 days without checking a status, a post, photos, check-ins, nada.  I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but I was determined to stick with all three.

As far as how we could utilize our time together in a more Christ-centered way...that took a little research. We finally decided on a You Version Bible plan that was designed specifically to have you read the entire New Testament during Lent.  We began on Ash Wednesday and will read our final entry on Easter morning.  We have been reading them every night before bed, taking turns reading and then talking about what we were reading.  To say that this time has been a blessing would be a drastic understatement.  Last year, Keith and I read the Bible through during the year of our engagement. However, we were 180 miles apart. It makes it so much more special to actually be with one another while we are reading.  Now, according to the You Version study, Lent doesn't include technically you are allowed to have what you've given up on a Sunday...and from what I did research, it is because during Biblical times, they weren't allowed to sacrifice on the Sabbath (as to not be in pain, or lose focus, etc). Now - that one is for each person to decide. I think it's a personal choice.

I have always been involved in Bible studies. From Beth Moore to Lucy Swindoll to Francis Chan to Lisa Terkeurst, I have loved them all.  However, as I began studying the bible for myself I wondered how much I was allowing these scholar's interpretation of the bible to influence my beliefs.  Not that they aren't educated or have a lot to give in their studies. But how can I know what God is saying if I am listening to another person's version of it?  Isn't it always better to learn straight from the source? How can I defend my faith if I have gotten it from what someone wrote in a book? I think it can be a struggle for so many of us.  We want to study the bible, but get so lost in the words and the meanings that we often set it aside and bring it out only when we are on our way to church.  But let me tell you, if you don't have a good relationship with your bible, you are missing out.  The bible is God's way of communicating to was inspired by Him.  So why do we think that because a letter was written by Paul or John, that we can pick and choose what rules to follow?  As 2 Timothy 2:16-17 "All scripture is God breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

It can be daunting.  But get to know your bible. And don't skim over the Old Testament! Just because it is the "old law" doesn't mean we can't learn from it!  Once you have a true handle on your own faith, then you are ready to add studies. I loved going to the Women of Faith weekends years ago with my Cuba sisters...and Luci and Patsy were two of my favorites.  As much as I love their hearts, I disagree with some of what they say.  But maybe I wouldn't have, if I'd never really spent time in the bible reading and discerning for myself.

 Did you participate in Lent this year? If so, what did you give up? How do you feel you grew spiritually during this season of sacrifice?  If you didn't participate, is it something you'd be interested in?  Just because Lent is over, doesn't mean you can't do a weekend fast.  Need an accountability partner? Let me know!

Friday, March 28, 2014

A Godly Blessing

This past Sunday, after spending an awesome week with my brother here in town, Keith and I needed a little down time.  It was a really gorgeous day, albeit a little cool, so we decided to check out a trail near our home called the Nonconnah Greenbelt.  We loaded up Brinkley and her water dish and decided to spend the afternoon together outside. 
There are a couple of trails on the Greenbelt.  We started off on the paved one.  Brinks was in heaven, running and sniffing everything! We had been on the trail, I don't know...maybe for .75 miles when we came to this...
Keith was like, "We can just take our shoes off and wade to the other side." Umm...excuse me, what?! First of all, no.  Second of all, that water did not look so safe nor did I want to walk under the road where its dark and filled with water...seems like a great snake hangout to me.  I'm not sure if the water is just high at the moment, or if the pier/bridge wasn't built very stable and has begun to sink...either way, there was no way I was going down we turned around. 

Luckily there are a lot of other trails that have been cut out through the woods and we spent the next hour and a half walking those.  We came to a great spot on one of the trails and I decided to climb down to the water...straight down. Keith took Brinkley a much safer way down through a small crevice in the cliff.  Once we got down there, it was so peaceful!  All of the rocks have been smoothed over by the water that, I'm sure, at one time rushed though here.  It was a great spot for a family pic!
Then the fun began.  As I was proving my bravery and running down the side of the cliff, I wasn't giving much thought to the climb back up...or to the fact that it had rained the day before leaving the ground wet and soggy under all of the leaves.  So, I decided to follow the hubs back up the way he came down.  And all was going smoothly...until it wasn't.  I almost....ALMOST...landed face down in the mud!!! Luckily, thanks to all of that planking Josh made us do at CrossFit...I caught myself before I landed on my face.  I didn't save my jeans, but oh well...can't win them all.  I was laughing so hard that it took me a good minute or two just to get my footing and climb up to the next level, with a hand from my love.  
So...why the blog title? Well, on a day filled with NCAA tournament play, my love wanted to take a hike with me. (Granted, we went after the UK game was over...I was the one who couldn't miss that one!) He puts spending an afternoon with me at the top of his list.  I don't take that for granted.  During the season of Lent, I gave up Facebook and we both gave up caffeine and sweets.  But more importantly than what we gave up is what we decided to do.  We were both off work on Ash Wednesday, and as we were talking about Lent I was looking through my YouVersion bible app for a new reading plan.  I came across a plan for the season of Lent that has you read the entire New Testament over the 46 days of Lent.  When I asked Keith if that was something he'd be interested in, he didn't hesitate to agree. So, every night, for the past 24 days, we have read five or six chapters of the NT before bed.  We talk about the context and the connotations. We laugh at some of the crazy names of the cities. When I have been out of town, we read it together over the phone.  And every night, every single night, we pray together.  We take turns praying...mentioning small prayers and big as well.  Covering our family and friends, and most importantly, our marriage, in prayer.  

Do you know how blessed I am?  A long time ago, I made a commitment to my Heavenly Father that I would not settle for anything less than what He had planned for me.  And as I waited, sometimes patiently, sometimes in fervent tearful prayer, I knew that He had a plan.  I didn't meet the love of my life when I was 20 years old and attending a Christian University that jokingly used the tag line, "Meet your mate".  I didn't meet him when I was in the mission field, or struggling through my 20s as I watched my friends get married and have babies.  I had opportunity to marry in my 20s....but had I chosen to do so, I would be among the statistic of girls who got married because they were afraid they weren't ever going to meet the right one.  I was in my 30s.  Seasoned in patience, but definitely no master of it, and filled with purpose for other things in my life.  And God knows it was worth it.  I have a husband who reads the bible with me daily. A husband who studies and talks to me about spiritual and Godly things.  A husband who prays for our marriage and our family and lets me pray with him.  A husband who puts spending time with me at the top of his list of priorities.  

So, if you're reading this...and you're single...hold on. God will fill you immeasurably...maybe with a husband...maybe with a life that is spent in service to Him and the kingdom in ways you never knew possible.  If you're married...I am praying that you are as blessed as I am, and if not, maybe now is a good time to have a conversation with your mate about sharing your faith openly and honestly.  If you're dating....don't ignore this. The more you discuss things when dating, the less surprised you'll be when married.  Don't, please don't, overlook spiritual things because you are afraid of being alone.  

Before I start to sound too preachy...don't get it twisted...there are things my hubs and I do that drive one another nuts. We get frustrated, we bicker...we are human.  But God, I am so thankful to all of the Godly women you put into my life that told me repeatedly to wait on you...that the waiting was worth it.  Girlfriends, you were soooooo right!

Friday, March 7, 2014

And then this happened...

I know, right?!?!?!

So, I've been a resident of Memphis for two months.  And in the last month I have had not one, but TWO wrecks.  Neither one my fault, but none the less, this is not helping me in my quest to find a new found love for my new hometown.  This latest travesty occurred last evening on my way home from work. I was traveling home on Germantown Parkway, a six lane road, during rush hour traffic. We were moving along relatively easily, the speed limit is 50 mph, but ask my husband, I don't tend to go above 45 because I don't know the area that well.  But I was driving home, had KLove on the radio, hands at 10 and 2, not distracted at all.  When all of a sudden a driver who is coming the opposite way, decides to turn left...right in front of me!!! So, what happened? I slammed on my breaks, hit the horn, and tried to avoid a major accident...and failed.  I had the green light. He made an illegal turn.  Well, the rest is history.  

His car ended up making the turn and landing in a ditch...I was able to move my vehicle to the side of the road since he had already moved...but the pieces of both of our vehicles littered the road like confetti and beads in the French Quarter on Fat Tuesday.  To save all the boring details...he got a ticket, I got a sore shoulder...and a rental car for the next 30 days. But at the end, as the policeman was finishing the report, the man and his wife came over to take pictures on her phone because his doesn't take photos.  

Did you catch the significance of that last sentence...his wife.  His wife was in the passenger seat.  Had he hesitated a moment longer, had I applied the brakes a second later...I would have t-boned his car.  I would have slammed into the passenger side of his vehicle at about 30 miles per hour.  I have no doubt in my mind that I would have been hurt, but I know I would have killed his wife.  She'd be dead...and no matter who had the right of way or who made an illegal turn, her life was in my hands.  Maybe I am overreacting...I don't know.  I can't shake the image of the wreck, of her face as she looked at me and patted my arm, silently acknowledging what could have been.  

So, now, along with trying to love this place I appear to be destined to live for the time being, I have to try to figure out how to have the desire to drive again...

My best friend told me yesterday that sometimes things just happen. There isn't always a lesson to learn or a reason for things. And boy did I need to hear that.  God is not punishing me, or even trying to teach me anything.  Yet, how I react to things and handle situations shows my relationship with Him.  Here are the facts. I live in Memphis (for the time being...someone, anyone, help me find a job back home...please!!). I have to drive. People make mistakes.  Although we are all flawed individuals, we are made spiritually whole through Jesus Christ.  We have been given guarantees for how long, nor guarantees that it will be good all the time.  As the theme song from my all time favorite childhood TV show states, "You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have...The Facts of Life." :)

Through all of this, there has been a silver lining...I came across this gem the other day.  It's a commercial for an Auto Dealership here in Memphis called It's All Good.  And believe me, after you see the following, I think you'll feel the same.

Oh...and this one...

Light and love to all of you! 

Friday, February 28, 2014

The Reluctant Memphan...

Before Keith and I married I told him, in no uncertain terms, that I was not moving to Memphis.  Well, you can all see how well that worked out.  So, instead, I dreaded the day...put off packing...put off moving until after the honeymoon.  I was the Queen of Procrastination or the Darling of Delusion, whichever you rather, when it came to moving.  In the end, the same result came, no matter my feelings or procrastination...I packed my things to begin my life as a married lady in Memphis.

Don't confuse my reasoning, I am completely in love with my husband.  I would go to the ends of the earth with him....although it doesn't mean I'd be happy about it.  But I love my family. I love my friends. I love my church family. I love my CrossFit community.  I loved my life in KY.  To be away from those things, in a place where there was no family, no friends, no church family, no CrossFit community (at least not one I could afford)...with only my husband, meant starting over.  And starting over is scary.

Yet, a lingering thought kept pressing into my mind.  Almost every summer, since my sophomore year of college, I have been involved in mission work in Europe and the UK. Every summer I say to God, "Here am I, send ME!!" And yet, when God is clearly pointing my compass towards Memphis I am digging in my heels.  Why?  To put it into blunt and simple terms...I am spoiled.  I am ready to go wherever God wants me to long as it is somewhere I want to go.  What a spoiled child I have been.  How disappointed is my Heavenly Father in the young woman I have become? Well, that ends now.  If God wants me in Memphis, then there is a reason...a greater good that I know he will reveal to me in His own time.  Does it mean that I wouldn't move back to Mayfield in a heartbeat? No, absolutely not.  But it means that I will utilize my time on this planet doing whatever God allows me to do! I will make friends, I will start over.  I will find the loveliest things about this city and embrace them wholeheartedly.
Starting today.

So, my first fab find of my wonderful new home is the sweetest used bookshop called "The Book Depot".

 When you open the creaky front door a bell rings to let the harried gentleman running the shop know that he has a visitor.  He emerges from a corner of this amazing book maze that he could undoubtedly travel with his eyes closed and asks me if he can help.  I tell him I am just browsing, but in reality, I am overwhelmed by the beauty of this small treasure.  Books have always been magical for me.  My mother read to me from the time I was born and thus instilled in me a love for the written word that has stuck with me over time.  I love the smell of books, they way they look stacked in all sorts of ways, the worlds they allow you to escape into, and the characters that become a part of you...if only for a little while.

The store takes up maybe 800 square feet, but I spent over an hour inside...walking slowly through the maze of genres...laughing at some of the titles on the Romance Novels, searching for some of my favorite authors, and finally settling on a book by an author I discovered years ago in the Belfast, Northern Ireland airport.  Her name is Jill Mansell and she writes British chic lit. The first book of hers that I read, Rumour Has It, became one of my favorites and one I have reread several times.  So, this time I picked up A Walk in the Park.  I would like to tell you that I picked up some great American classic...but alas...I am a sucker for the British satire.  As I was getting ready to check out, the sweet owner told me that they also buy books for store credit.  I'm sorry, what?  So, now, my shelf that is overflowing with beloved books has new meaning.  I paid $4.25 for the book, but in return, I found a piece of myself...a hidden treasure in my new new home. And whether I am here for a season, a reason, or a is up to me to utilize my time and pray fervently for my Father God to show me how I can be used to glorify Him while I am here, discovering the hidden treasures that can turn this place into my home.