Thursday, July 24, 2014

Shopping Local

It's been two months since my last blog.  Two months (10 weeks, actually) since I suffered the miscarriage.  I wasn't sure I was going to blog anymore.  To be honest, there were days when I wasn't sure I was going to get out of bed...or take a shower...or ever speak to God again.  But I did. And I am all the better for it. There will always be a sadness associated with that time in my life, but God has been so good to me.  He has allowed me to laugh, and love, and hold babies without feeling jealous or sorry for myself.  He has seen me through and continues to do so daily. 

But that's not really what I want to talk about today.

So, I am no longer selling wedding day bliss to the masses at David's Bridal....thanks be to God for that one! I really enjoyed my time at the Paducah DB...the Memphis one, on the other hand, was a complete disaster. However, with the upheaval of the school systems here and all of them breaking off to form their own districts, I have yet to hear back from anywhere I have applied.  To pass the time, I am nannying. It is something that got me through college, and in a larger city, can give you a weekly income that is undeniably beneficial. And having nights and weekends off has allowed me to get out and explore a little more!

After all, I am still trying to fall in love with Memphis.  Days like today make it a little easier. After work today, I decided to check out the local Farmers Market.  It happens every Thursday from 4-7:30 and there are tons of local merchants and farmers who bring their products.  There are also food trucks and live music! A definite added bonus! Local butchers have brought in fresh cuts of grass fed beef, pork, lamb, and chicken.  Local orchards have come with loads of fresh juicy peaches. Local farmers have set up shop with some of the most beautiful produce I've seen in a while.  Local honey is very popular with the Market is the fresh baked breads and preserves.  I took a stroll to just purvey the entire market.  I noticed how the sellers and buyers interacted with one another.  I also loved the unique blend of people perusing the market.  From grandparents to new parents, twenty-something hipsters to park seems like the Farmers Market is the place to be on a Thursday afternoon. 

I met a lady there who gave me some insight into the actual garden on the grounds. It is a community garden where anyone is invited to become a part! The sign ups are in January and you commit to volunteer two hours a week, then everyone shares in the produce from the garden.  I love, love, LOVE this concept.  Especially since we are currently apartment dwellers and have no way to garden even if we wanted.  Not to mention, what a great way to get involved in the community and meet new people! If we are still here in January, I am definitely getting involved!

So, below is a picture of my haul from today. Cucumbers, tomatoes, peaches, corn, and fresh baked baguette and sourdough bread.  This foodie has some great ideas...and it felt great to support local growers. Coming from a small town where gardening is practically a given for most, it is refreshing to see that it is still available in a big city, without the Whole Foods price tag. 
Happy Eating!!!!

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